
Invited talk at CBNU medical school (Sep. 15, 2022)

Title: Computational models for understanding perception

Re-opened the lab! (Sep. 1, 2022)

Professor Yongseok Yoo joined School of Computer Science and Enginnering at Soongsil University. His lab moved to Seoul and welcomes new members!

Research Themes


The brain is an information processing organ. We make use of computational tools to investigate the information processing mechanisms of the brain.

Artificial Intelligence

The brain is the ultimate "smart system." Deeper understanding of the brain will open up new areas in artificial intelligence.

Smart System Design

We design novel systems that support cognitive functions.


Principal Investigator

Yongseok Yoo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Soongsil University
E-mail: yyoo[AT]ssu.ac.kr

Industry experience:


Wonjin Jang, M.S.
Data Scientist, Hyperlounge
